
Your invoice shows the services and/or products that you purchase from Fudura. We have specified your purchases for you. This is new on the invoice. We understand that you may have questions about what exactly is described.

Perhaps you do not recognise all the products straight away. This will especially be the case with so-called medium-voltage systems, such as transformers, switchgear and/or equipment, because you generally do not have access to the areas where this machinery and equipment are located. Hence we have listed these products for you.


The overview below shows the product group transformers that you may come across on your invoice. It is transparent and clearly described. This way, you know exactly what you purchase and what you pay for. The specification may include the following general abbreviations:

  • MS: Refers to medium voltage. This is a voltage of 10,000 volts, i.e. 10 kV (kilovolts).
  • kVA: Kilovolt-amperes, unit of electrical power. The power that a system can deliver.



Shown on your invoice as:

  • Rental of MS transformer x kVA
  • Rental of MS transformer x kVA (gh)

The main voltage of Enexis is 10,000 volts. This voltage is kept high to ensure losses are minimal during transport over large distances. The transformer is needed to transform this high voltage to your usual operating voltage of 400/250V.

Fudura rents out transformers in the range of 100-250-400-630-1,000-1,600-2,000 and 2,500 kVA.

Addition of (gh):
Transformers come with an agent to dissipate heat to the outer wall. As a standard, the transformer is filled with oil for that purpose. For special operating situations, (more expensive) poured resin is used. If poured resin is used, this will be shown on the invoice separately, by means of the addition (gh).

Compact station deuren open


Shown on your invoice as:
Rental of prefab station type x

In most cases, the transformer is housed in a concrete ‘transformer house’ within your grounds.

The most common type is shown in the image. Other forms and materials are less common.


Do you have any other questions?

Do you have questions about our services? Please, contact Customer Service on on telephone number +31 (0)88 - 857 88 77. The customer service department is available on weekdays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You can, of course, also send us a message by completing the contact form.

Contact form

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